The Docu125 production team was established around the 125th anniversary of Javanese immigration on August 9, 2015. From this, the documentary *Jaji - Lotgenoten* (2016) was created. Subsequently, the documentary *Leliëndaal 100* was produced (2018) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Leliëndaal Children's Home in the Commewijne district (Suriname). During Covid-19 and the lockdown, four mini-documentaries were made using unused material from the Jaji documentary, featuring notable Javanese Surinamese figures, such as the late artist Soeki Irodikromo.

Additionally, a music video was produced during the Covid period to mark 130 years of Javanese history. The video is titled Als Je Maar Danst (2020).

In 2023, the documentary Meer Dan Kling Klang Klong, De Klanken Van Overleving premiered. We hope to be in your area soon, but in the meantime, you can also expect online productions to be available shortly.