Welcome To Broad Street!

We seek to be a community where together we explore what it means to seek God in this time and place. We are a multi-generational Christian community that seeks to provide a safe place for spiritual rejuvenation and service to the world. Like most church congregations, we worship, study, pray and care for one another. Our passion is working together to try to make the world a better place. By doing tangible, concrete things that improve people’s lives, we honor God and live out what Jesus means when he says, “Love God and love your neighbor.”

BSPC seeks to honor and affirm persons of every gender identity and sexual orientation. As it pertains to all levels of leadership in the church, it has been the policy of BSPC since 2000 to honor and affirm the spiritual gifts of everyone in our faith community, particularly people who have been historically marginalized and may easily be overlooked by the church.