Welcome incredible singers to my YouTube channel! 🎤 After over twelve years working as a singing teacher, music educator and vocal coach, I want to share the love and send out as much information as I can to the virtual community.

My mission is to make fun, educational videos about singing for those who don't have access to a singing teacher or coach. 🗽Filming from my home studio in NYC, I hope that I can provide some information, tutorials and tips to help you be the best singer you possibly can be 🌟 Whether you want to learn how to sing, consider yourself an rising star, or even are another singing teacher looking for inspiration, you have a home here ❤️

- Bachelor of Music
- Graduate Diploma of Education
- Certificate of Music studies
- Masters of Education (in process! Graduate 2022🎓)

Member of NATS & Carnegie Hall MEW

Happy singing 😍🎶

Love T