Welcome!! I worked on cars and trucks when I got out of school. After a couple of years, my career went a different way, but I never lost my love of cars and trucks. I have always fixed my own cars and trucks. You will find many videos on my channel on how to repair and upgrade your car and truck. Repairs that go from brakes, brake calipers, airbags, and clutches to NV5600 transmission rebuilds and many more. Like most, I don't like to spend a lot of money, so many of my videos are about how to make things yourself instead of buying kits. On our channel, you will find videos like how to airbag your truck for $100.00, how to replace BMW timing chain guides, how to rebuild a Dodge 6-speed transmission, how to replace a head gasket on a BMW, build your own compound turbos, and many more. Subscribe and save some money doing things yourself. Remember the channel name GlennFix. Next time you need to fix something, check our channel. We probably have a video on it.