ORGAN (Organ Receiving & Giving Awareness Network) India, is an initiative of the Parashar Foundation.

The Parashar Foundation was set up in 2000 by Ashok Parashar with an aim to help the poor and less fortunate by providing funds to various schools, health centres and other organisations. While our previous work was primarily in the form of donations to various causes, this year is the 7th death anniversary of Ashok Parashar. And in his memory, we now have a defined goal – to create an organ donor system in Delhi that will benefit everyone, regardless of religion, age, sex, caste, or social standing.

ORGAN India Trustees -

Anika Parashar Puri (Chair Person & Trustee)
Vidur Parashar (Trustee)
Meghana Ghai (Trustee)
Dr. Sandeep Vaishya (Trustee)

Contact :
Toll-Free Helpline Number - 1800-120-3648