Uncover the forces that shape our world with Narativ with Zev Shalev, a groundbreaking podcast hosted by investigative journalist and former CBS News executive producer Zev Shalev.
Zev's reporting blends investigative journalism with real-time intelligence analysis to deliver an unparalleled news experience that leaves viewers with a deep understanding of the events shaping their world.
Each episode features Zev’s reports, unparalleled investigations, exposes on the people and powers in the news, and analysis from Narativ’s contributors.
Zev's career spans the globe and includes assignments with Oprah Winfrey, an interview with Nelson Mandela, three Emmy nominations and a prestigious Murrow Award.
Narativ with Zev Shalev is a must-watch for anyone who cares about our world and wants to decipher the forces shaping it. Join the millions of viewers who watch Narativ with Zev Shalev and gain a new perspective on the world.