♥Hiya!♥ Ill be uploading more videos those you have seen are just a taste of it wait for later :]]] Please push the yellow button above!

New video[s] will be uploaded somewhere in May when I got time, I'm really sorry but I've been busy with a lot of stuff.
♥♥♥Thanks for all Support♥♥♥

I got 3 sisters & 3 brothers :XD
A pain in the.. Yup

---- ♥♥ Friend invites ♥♥ ----
From now on I've made this rule, to many spammers come to my channel and wants to Add me then leaves then spams my bulletins like mad, happend last time to so, from now Ill make a restriction: You subscribe and Ill accept your friend request and you have to say hi or something on my channel :]] just giving me friend invites = IGNORED!

♥♥♥ BFF ♥♥♥
Rosheene Rox [RosheeneRox]♥
Melly [DisneyGiirl4eva02]♥
Lia [lialu94]♥
Barbara [Summerbabyforlife]♥
Kassandra [HeadstrongFabulous]♥

**1000t commenter**
FabulousDisney :XD♥