What to expect from an archive? from an archive of sisters? documents settled over the years (from 1872 to 2003) and that tell the life, the work of the Salesian nuns: official paper documents, registers, theater books, musical scores, audio tapes, photographs, vinyl records, tools to be able to decode them, ...
A fascinating world to study and disclose. Consequently, conferences, study days, pilgrimage paths, the theater company to the Madonna, re-enactments, moments of prayer and much more are born!
Much is documented in the Youtube channel, on the site (https://archiviostoriconizza.wixsite.com/archiviostoriconizza),
in the Facebook profile (https://www.facebook.com/fmaipi.archiviostorico.5)
in the pages on sr Teresa Valsè Pantellini (https://www.facebook.com/srteresavalse/?modal=admin_todo_tour),
about the theater company (https://www.facebook.com/allaMadonna/?modal=admin_todo_tour),
on Mor ... Nice (https://www.facebook.com/MorNizza/?modal=admin_todo_tour)