We all love France! It is the most visited country in the world. You have no doubt heard of French wines and cheeses, but did you know that each of the 13 Regions of France has its own specialties? What better way to experience the authentic flavor of each region than by visiting the artisans who produce them? They give us a behind-the-scenes view of their passion and savoir-faire, and sometimes offer me a chance to try their techniques.
We began in Normandy, then traveled south to Provence. In time, we will make our way through each region, giving you an overview of what to see and do, and we will continue to seek out the best artisans in each region to share their knowledge and traditions.
Be inspired for your next trip to France! For practical information, self-guided itineraries and to shop at our online boutique, visit www.frenchdetours.com.
We look forward to sharing more regions with you soon! Subscribe so you don't miss a thing.
Merci et à bientôt,