Whats up everyone this is The Real Tino, and i'm going to try and upload a commentary every couple of days. I will be trying to get a montage out by the end of the summer or towards the middle if that is possible. So please guys if you haven't already subscribed please do so, and watch out for all of my sniping gameplays.

Contact me with any questions either on youtube, or on the following:
GT: The Real Tino
Aim: xTiino
Skype: xTiino

BG by xColumbine: http://www.youtube.com/xColumbinex

Getting an HD PVR in August or September. Most likely September so be ready for sexy HD SNIPING gameplays ;)

50 Subs- Feb 15 2010
100 Subs-Mar 21 2010
250 subs-May 9 2010
500 Subs: May 24 2010
1000 subs

My Toolbar: http://TheRealTino.OurToolbar.com/