Hello, I'm Adam and this is Jadekind Video Gaming. This channel exists because I enjoy video games but don't make time for them, so this is an excuse to get me to play more video games (and also to hopefully not give up on them part way through...). I mainly do full let's play content at this point, but may decided to expand that later on. There is no strict release schedule, but the more time I'm able to play and the further ahead I'm able to be while uploading content, the more frequently I choose to release videos.
Check out my other channels :
🎲 Tabletop Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/JadekindGaming
📷 Near-Daily Vlog: https://www.youtube.com/AdamsJourney
🔭 Tabletop Gaming Observatory: https://www.youtube.com/@jadekindgamingobservatory