Living Hope Lutheran Church has changed its Sunday Worship Schedule. Every other Sunday, we now rotate between a Traditional Worship (based on the Lutheran Service Book, with piano-led music) and a Blended Worship (based on Creative Worship with Praise Team-led music). Starting at 9:00am - Sunday Service and 10:30am - Education Hour (roughly 15 minutes fellowship between).

Education Hour: (Children's Sunday School - ages Pre-K through 6th grade. Currently studying Bible stories about God's Law and Gospel. Youth Sunday Morning Bible Study - meet in the Youth Room/Nursery/Teacher Lounge. Adult Sunday Morning Bible Study - currently studying Fusion: Suffering Servants (CPH Study).

Weekly Bible Studies - Tuesday Morning Bible Study - 10:00-11:00am (contact Pastor Marcus for the link); Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 7:00-8:00pm (contact Pastor Marcus for the link).