New videos EVERY TUESDAY! if there are videos in between...then even better for you guys!
What Does OP Gaming stand for?
OP Gaming stands for Orion0100 (thats me) Plays - Gaming
or Original Post Gaming. Whichever sounds better
What is OP Gaming?
OP Gaming is a channel dedicated to the gamer out there. Wether they are looking for clutches, kicks, tips, tricks, or even romance, you'll find it here.
Have any Catchphrases?
Yes, i say it at the end of all my videos. I shall see you later SUCKA FISH
What does Sucka Fish mean?!
Noone knows, thats the beauty of it. But I say it in real life all the time, likes its apart of me so is this channel and I decided Ill say that always!
Here is a link to my Discord. ALL are welcome