Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish is a vibrant Catholic Faith Community in Forest Hills, New York. We are one parish family seeking to be the welcoming and warm presence of Jesus Christ to the diverse peoples of the area.

Our parish life is centered on celebrating the Holy Eucharist, proclaiming and teaching God’s Word, faith formation through our school and religious education programs, and ministering to and serving the pastoral needs of the faithful.

In thanksgiving to God for all that has been, for all that we are and for all that we will be, we support vocations and lay leadership development, strengthening stewardship, and fulfilling the mission of the New Evangelization to bring Christ into the world.

Please SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/olqmstewardship

Please consider DONATING: https://ourladyqueenofmartyrs.org/message-from-our-finance-committee/

God bless you.