Hi this is Jacob Ethan G. This is my channel on my fun life.

I want to show you how I play non violent Roblox games. No bad words or profanity used here. This is a children's channel.

I want to show you my toys and reviews of them.

I want to talk to you about many things happening in this big crazy world we live in. I will show you my family life and activities. I will show you videos from my earlier years. And I will show and talk about my Filam roots.

I was born in the USA. My mother was born in the Philippines in Zamboanga City. She is now a citizen of the USA. My father is a U.S. citizen. His mother was born in India, because her parents were Christian missionaries there. Her parents were born in Sweden but became U.S. citizens. My father's father was born in the USA. All of his roots were from the USA since the early 1700s. My great great great great great great grandma was a Cherokee, native American. Any how I am a Filam and proud of it.

Roblox Game