I originally started my YouTube Channel to share my exciting ( with yelling and Screaming L M F A O ) videos of BASS STRIKE. Now this game was already 11 years old, developed back in 2002 I think. With interest in the game declining, my focus shifted from simply sharing my experience of BASS STRIKE with Friends to promoting the game through social media ( aka HERE on youtube ) ! This was my personal effort to try and bring new players to the game with proper walk throughs and it has been a SLOW GRIND but, things are Growing. BASS STRIKE 2002 Has all the OLD ANGLERS Now like K V D 4 Time Bass MASTERS Champion as well as 2 Time Champ Mike Iaconelli (CAVE MAN) You will see all the Stars from Tommy Biffle aka The Shorts Guy, and Dean Rojos anyways there are a ton on the 1st ever Fishing Game. When I was recovering from knee Surgery I could only hear all the Awesome Stories and ended taking this Gift that was 2 years old 2010 and Now I'm opening it in 2013 so my first day I WAS FRUSTRATED