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The Challenge:
You have five days (or fewer) during VBS to reach kids in your community with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. They have BIG questions about things they’re facing on a daily basis. They need to know the Bible is true, how it applies to their lives, who God is, and the life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How do you make the most of this valuable opportunity?

Our Mission:
Our aim is to support the local church through rich, apologetic, gospel-focused VBS materials in one of the most evangelistic outreaches a church has each year. We discuss topics that other publishers won’t (racism, the global flood, sanctity of life, etc.) to help churches provide age-appropriate answers to tough questions the world is throwing at our kids. Every part of Answers VBS ties into the lesson of the day and reinforces biblical truths in a memorable way to make the most of the time you have.