Alrighty, in attempt to gain partnerships (specifically from Jetpak. Yeah, if you guys are reading this, then I'm gonna try getting some content out there for you to review), I'm going to start making videos. Right now, everything will be done from my Mac. Hopefully some of you enjoy my content and will put up with me being a noob. If you are new, thanks for dropping by.

Now directed towards Jetpak (if you choose to stop by and read, every moment of your precious time is greatly appreciated), I am a totally new YouTuber. I've watched YouTube for years now. At least like 30 minutes a day. I have an idea of what to look for and I have an idea on how to create my own style and original content. I do enjoy playing with friends and meeting new people. I also really enjoy making videos, but the main issue with my situation: I have no idea what I'm doing. I've tried uploading stuff, but it ends up with crappy FPS and poor resolution. Everything I try just hasn't worked. I've had mul