Welcome Guys To Our Channel. We’re the TJm Squad.
So on this Channel We Do Vlogs, Challenges, Reactions ;basically everything. Our goal is to entertain people and also make memories. We hope you will be part of our journey. —TJM Squad
hey guys its us 2 years later and were finally at 50 thank you so much
**3 years later** 1065 subs
10 Subs ✔️
50 subs ✔️
100 subs ✔️
500 subs ✔️
1,000 subs ✔
5,000 subs ✔️
10,000 subs 17/10/23
15,000 subs ✔️
20,000 subs ✔️
25,000 subs ✔️
Ireland 🇮🇪 X Uganda 🇺🇬