This is a Subsistence Survival Game You can get it here:-
I will not tell you how you should play the game, I will just show you how I play. Most of the time, I mostly use a Recurve Bow throughout the game, also love to take it to the bad guys with the pump action Shotgun.
I play between 3 Multi-Player. I prefer the Multi-Player because there are 4 Hunter Bases. They offer more of a challenge and are more aggressive, and there are more Hunters to annoy.
Alpha, Bravo and Delta have 5 Hunters and Charlie on average 12.
The videos at the start were crudely edited from 30-minute videos. In no way was I trying to show off any video editing skills, because I don't have any, LOL Finally I can now post longer Videos. If anyone is interested, I can start new games. Just let me know. I hope you may pick up a few pointers here and there, maybe a laugh or two and enjoy. If you want to ask any questions about the game, I'll be happy to help you.