Hello everyone,

With this channel, I would like to share a personal experience on how we can put together a tasty cooking recipe that is at the same time nutritious and healthy!

With the internet, most of us become open to the richness and diversity of the world’s biggest food traditions. At the same time, we can feel overwhelmed with the number of diets, recipes and nutritional recommendations out there. It becomes hard to make the right choices for ourselves.

I will share some skills & knowledge about food and nutrition that helped me to stay in good shape (keep my ideal weight) and retrieve my health (I was able to overcome a severe Iron Deficiency). I will try to share some nutritional facts backed by science I learned in my own journey to healing and good nutrition.

Opting for fresh / wholesome ingredients and healthy / tasty recipes will help us all cope against the health challenges we're all facing nowadays.

Stay Healthy. Stay Happy Everyone!