A mix of videos giving practical tips for gardeners and videos about the meaning and messages of plants and flowers.

I have been running a plant nursery in Suffolk with my husband for 17 years. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to develop a closer understanding and knowledge of the plants I have worked with. Besides practical information, I wish to share the beauty, history, folklore and properties of flowers and plants.

Just by looking at flowers, berries or foliage we can be filled with emotion. We can feel a sense of peace, joy, confidence, love, regret, optimism or renewal. Plants speak to the mind, body and spirit. This has long been acknowledged and over the years flowers have been associated with meanings and messages.

You can read blogs that I write about folklore and symbolism of plants at https://ruthgoudy.com/blog/
If you are more interested in practical tips then you can find them on our nursery website https://kilnfarm.com/ruths-blog/