Looking To Get More Out Of God’s Word?
If you are like me, you’ve heard thousands of sermons over the years, yet you feel like you have only scratched the surface of the Bible’s message.
For 40 years I have studied the Bible. I use a wide variety of tools and resources to try to understand the Bible the way it was meant to be understood. I have spent years trying to get into the mind of the original audiences that the Bible books were written to. I’ve looked at the languages the Bible was written in. I’ve sat under some of the best Bible teachers and read some outstanding scholarly works.
I have discovered there is so much more to the Bible than the average Sunday morning sermon, or Bible study lesson gives us. Now, I want to share my studies with you.
You can read my articles and dig a little deeper at https://godeeperbiblestudy.com
Dennis Regling is an evangelist and Christian author.