The Entomological Society of India (ESI) was founded in 1938 as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act 1957 as extended to the Union territory of Delhi under Registration No. S. 2434 of 1963-64 dt 12.3.1964. It is registered with NITI Aayog under unique ID of VO/NGO-DL/2016/0104219. It is one of the largest professional societies in India serving entomologists and researchers in related disciplines. The main objective of the Society is to encourage and promote the dissemination of entomological knowledge. It arranges meetings of entomologists at the headquarters and at various places in India. The annual general body meetings are held regularly along with Conferences/Symposia/Meetings. These meetings provide opportunities to the members and others interested in the subject to keep in touch with the entomological activities.