I’m Diana, and “Geek en Tacones” is my channel. This channel starts as a personal style vblogazine in 2007, but I am sure that it will evolve into an almost incomprehensible mishmash of non sequitur about everything from shoes to digital transformation, to data and analytics and digital marketing and disruptive technologies. I am contributing author for alpha gamma.eu - a business portal for millennials.
I am a geminis, and I’ve been told that we are the master of the communications – and gossip too so. I guess that’s why I love writing. My mind works 24/7, it never quiets, so I have decided to capture all the ideas jockeying for space in my brain – they seem to come non-stop and pop up at the most inconvenient times.
Thrill-seeking nurturer, nature lover, eco-minded gal passionate about #technology, #data and #analytics #traveling, #learning and #arts. #AmericaLatina #GeekinStilettos #GeekenTacones