Helping Small Business Owners Grow Profitable Businesses in their Local Communities

Are You a Small Business Owner Who is Tired of Living Job to Job? Confused by Your Business Numbers? Ready to Start Earning More Profit in Your Business?

Badass Business Owners are Small Business Owners serving their local communities who want to learn their business numbers but find them so confusing at times. They know they need to understand their business numbers better, but it can be so confusing. What if it didn’t need to be? What if it was easier?

I love breaking down the math to help you understand your business numbers better. Your numbers are trying to tell you a story, l teach you how to read that story.

So, if you are ready to MAKE MORE MONEY IN YOUR SMALL BUSINESS then you are in the right place!

My Mission is to Help You Build a Profitable Business! I'd love to be part of your journey!
