Matt hails from North Yorkshire, and presently resides in South Korea where he teaches English. He escaped the Northern Film School in Leeds with a master’s, and is now an award-winning filmmaker and podcaster. In 2020, he wrote and directed the acclaimed sleep death in suburbia short, The Self-Seers.
His favourite filmmakers include Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, and Paul Thomas Anderson. His Rewind Movie Podcast rider is routinely a Dunkin’ Donuts Happy Munchkin Cup, and a pair of lemon radlers. His favourite word is “phantasmagoria.”
He’s a Jaws finatic, Beatlemaniac, and gets his kicks Procreating cinematic bingo drinkalongs, and curating themed, monthly movie seasons. He may or may not be the creator of the Trope-Tote™ and Auteur Adhesive™, and can be bothered on t’socials at @scariousartists and over at where his daft drawings become stuff you can own.