Saya, Gede Partha Wijaya, seorang Travel Planner, Tour Guide, Photographer, dan Pilot Drone yang tinggal di Bali, mencintai keindahan alam Bali dengan budayanya yang unik. Saya berusaha mengabadikan keindahan alam dan budaya Bali melalui lensa kamera berupa photo dan video yang saya unggah ke berbagai media dan salah satunya adalah youtube. Semoga Budaya Bali yang unik dan sakral bisa semakin dikenal dan lestari.Salam Budaya....

I am Gede Partha Wijaya, Travel Planner, Licensed Tour Guide, Photographer and also a drone operator, living in Bali with its lovely and unique cultural heritage. Most of the videos in my channel are made to promote Bali as cultural based tourism destination. For those who are interested in seeing the unique and rare occasion culture please feel free to contact me...
I will take you to a different level of cultural journey in Bali

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