국립공주대학교 천안공과대학

A) 구조동역학,
B) 내진설계를

1) 건축과 토목,
2) 구조와 지반,
3) 건설과 기계,
4) 역학과 IT,
5) 계측과 소프트컴퓨팅의  

공학적 융합을 추구합니다.

Based on

A) Structural Dynamics and
B)Seismic Design,

Structural System Lab (SSL), Kongju National University,
pursues of
Engineering Fusion of the followings:

1) building engineering and civil engineering,
2) structural engineering and geotechnical engineering,
3) construction engineering and mechanical engineering,
4) engineering mechanics and Information Technology(IT),
5) measurement and soft-computing.