Hello Everyone!
This is Maiv Xyooj. Welcome to my Official Channel!

This channel is mainly providing you with all of my musical work, (with vocals and without vocals - instrumental tracks), for your enjoyment. I am the Artist of these contents and I own all copyrights to my original work. Hope you enjoy my videos. Feel free to leave me any comments/questions you may have and I will get back with you soon. Thank you!

Nyob zoo thiab zoo siab tos txais koj los koom kuv channel no. Kuv channel no yog tso tag nrho kuv cov nkauj thiab txoj puav yas suab (music tsis muaj lub suab hu nrog) rau sawv daws tau los hu ua kev lom zem. Yog koj muaj lus noog dab tsi, sau ntawv tseg rau kuv, kuv mam teb rov rau koj. Ua tsaug!

MaivXyooj World Channel:

Email: [email protected]
Paypal: [email protected]

~Maiv Xyooj