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Because: the internet - one-of-a-kind, quick, summarized Civ V gameplay... and other stuff. Subscribe?
Original commentary provides an educated look at what can go on in an atypical/typical game of Civilization... and other stuff.
I imagine a lot of people are watching videos online not created by nor involving me and that is just a shame.
There will be new videos when the internet decides processing is complete.
Civilization V its counterparts (namely the expansions, Gods & Kings / Brave New World) are available on Steam and where other fine video games are sold! Soon the first expansion pack for Civilization: Beyond Earth will be released, Rising Tide! Expansions 'fixed' Civ V, maybe B.E. will get the same treatment!
If you are still reading this - incredible! I hope my LP's (Let's Plays) continue to entertain, even if you are a fan of other video games and not just 4X (that's eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) stuff.