Welcome to New2Ukulele, Thanks for stopping by and checking out my videos.

I have been teaching myself Ukulele since January 2021, I can't sing, I can't read music but man I love playing my Ukulele.

I'm currently playing an acoustic Kala Tenor and an acoustic-electric Enya NovaPro U Tenor.

I was the victim of a violent armed carjacking in 2019, the fall out from that incident was destroying my mental health and well-being. Through family support, friends, counselling and finding Ukulele I have been able to find some peace. I can say without hesitation that the Ukulele saved my life, it distracts and grounds me like nothing else.

I have to thank YouTube, YouTube teachers & channels like; UkeStuff, Ukulele Underground, Ukulaliens - Ukulele Club and Cynthia Lin even though they don't know it were instrumental in getting me through some really hard days. Thank you all for that!

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