Hi friend and welcome to BunnySlipinVids, where you can always find joy!
My nickname is Bunny Slipper, I'm 15 years old and I started this channel in 2012 around June. My friend Meredith and I would play LPS for hours and hours playing with the same gang. One day I found out about LPS videos and then decided to make my own.
I could never have gotten this far if it weren't for Meredith, My Epic CupCakes, and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I want to thank you for all the support you guys have given me and that dreams really can come true! Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful day! God Bless! ♥
Slipin Out!
Cupcake & Bunny Slipper Art by AnimalLoverFilms101 https://www.youtube.com/user/animalloverfilms101/featured
Everything in my videos except the music is owned by me Copyright©2012-2016♥BunnySlipinVids♥CupCake Productions♥Bunny Slipper♥