World Trade Center (WTC) Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper which collapsed suddenly, symmetrically and completely into it's own footprint in under seven seconds on September 11, 2001. Government officials reported its collapse was due primarily to normal office fires, while admitting it was in free fall for over 100 feet of its collapse. Watch this 30-second video to see this unprecedented event in the history of high rise steel-framed architecture:

WTC 7 Evaluation is a computer engineering project led by Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Chair of the Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). Hulsey and and his two Ph.D. research assistants will use finite element modeling to evaluate the possible causes of World Trade Center Building 7’s mysterious collapse. Civil, mechanical and all engineers, as well as architects, physicists, scientists and the general public are invited to participate at