Welcome to UOClashOfClans! I am 7odd from the clan UO Tennis and this is my first channel on YouTube as well as my first attempt at creating videos. This channel will be devoted to anything related to Clash of Clans from Speed Builds, Base Analysis, Clan Wars, Attack Strategies and other clash advice that I have accumulated since I began playing in May 2014. I am currently a relatively new TH9, so anybody TH9 and below feel free to comment your questions etc.
Also, check out Layne at Clashin With Layne! We began our YouTube careers together and he uploads a lot of great stuff!
Feel free to chat with him or I in my clan UO Tennis. We are normally a closed clan, but for the time being the requirements are 1500 trophies. When sending a join-clan request, add either UOClashOfClans or Clashin with Layne to be ensured an acceptance.
Clash on!