Nino helps creative entrepreneurs learn how to build their digital footprint to grow their business by sharing the best tips, tricks, and digital strategic advice. If you are an entrepreneur or inquisitive viewer who is interested in taking their digital footprint to another level for your business and want to get more website viewers and more tailored digital solutions that fit your business, or just learn more about Wix, Velo, Google App Script, and more make sure to subscribe to Creatively Nino Channel!

New videos are posted every Monday or Saturday! Also, check out Nino's Website ( for a FREE 1 on 1 chat with him on any digital footprint questions or challenges you might have.

Disclaimer: Nino cannot guarantee that newer versions of the software will work correctly as shown/demonstrated in past videos created. If issues arise, please reach out to Creatively Nino Network (CNN) website and contact us, and we will do our best to resolve the issue.