Hello and welcome to my channel, I will be providing Spiritual readings for the collective on topics such as weekly outlook, twin flames (divine counterparts), The current energies surround us and also some readings for charity in order to raise money for individual needing financial assistance. I am most passionate about helping others in need. I am a reiki master and teacher and have been doing readings since i was 16. At the age of 5 I had a very tall angelic being, which would guide me and give insight into what was about to unfold in my life and the lives of others. (this was age appropriate information, so nothing too complex or upsetting, mainly supportive.) I also work with off world guides (Galactics) . I am most excited to meet and work with you at this time. IF YOU WISH TO BOOK A READING WITH ME, PLEASE BOOK HERE https://www.picktime.com/103c420b-674c-4f2d-ad2e-4ab8023aaf1b
Wishing you all blessings...