A very calm tiger that likes to play old games.

• The alias comes from how the British pronounce the word tiger and that I was born on the year of the tiger. Furthermore, this is also a Japanese name (大河) that means river, so here is the surname, which comes from where I live — a riverbank town.
• The mascot character is designed and drawn by myself and is basically a cute 2D non-anime woman with a relatively realistic face.
• Playing Left 4 Dead 2 since 2016 and hosting four Realism — Expert-only dedicated servers since 2024 spring. It is an old project I have taken over after its previous owner has retired from the community.
• English is not my native language, but my accent does not seem to be that bad, either. I guess…
• I make optional captions in English and custom subtitles in the language that is spoken in my country.
• Being proficient in English since year 2015. Never studied it professionally.
• Favourite colour: teal (0 128 120/0 64 62).