Atman Nityananda
Founder of Advaita Atma Yoga academy
🌺 Peace, Love, Harmony
Hairakhan Babaji change my Life!
In 2002, I visited the ashram of Haidakhan Babaji, the master who played the most crucial role in my spiritual journey. Since then I started intense practice following the instructions of Babaji and the instructions of Swami Sivananda.
For 10 years every summer I practiced at Babaji’s ashrams & also Sivananda’s & Ramana's Maharshi Ashrams in India. These years I did the most important practice that changed my life.
... The creation is vast and there are many doctrines. Adhere to one principle - that of Truth, Simplicity and Love. Live in Truth, Simplicity and Love and practise Karma Yoga.
'Of greatest importance is that the repetition of God's name increases daily. In this way, your heart and mind will be purified. Only then will you find God in yourself''.