纽约汉服社 HanFu NYC ( New York HanFu Corporation) 成立于2014年3月,是经纽约州政府注册的非营利组织。2018年5月,经联邦政府IRS批准为 501c(3) 公共慈善机构。我们通过举办岁时庆典、礼仪教习、线下联谊、文化讲座,以及周边产品服务等,来弘扬博大精深的汉文化。始于衣冠,达于博远。
Our mission is to promote Hanfu knowledge, reintroduce its usage - both daily and festive, and help build a more comprehensive and accurate representation of the diverse and beautiful clothing traditions of China.
We also explore Hanfu's value in community building and as a gateway to the rest of the traditional Han cultural practices.