Independent livestreamer and activist, covering Des Moines and surrounding areas. Here is where I archive my streams for later viewing. Please support my work by donating to my GoFUndMe account at , PayPal by sending payments to [email protected] via the PayPal Send Money tab. Your contributions will help me cover the cost of my livestreaming and broadcasting as I don't get money from any media outlet. I have monetized my videos in order to raise additional funds to support my work.


I have a Patreon page as another way of facilitating donations to help me cover the cost of my broadcasting and video production, check it out here:

if you want to send me email go to this address: [email protected]

if you want to send me any snail mail please use this address

Kaylynn Strain
1419 Capitol Avenue
Apt 201
Des Moines, IA 50316-3812