Welcome to Beyond Seclusion! My name is Drew Case, my goal is to share and provide information for those that love shooting, hunting, fishing, wildlife, and pretty much anything related to living in the country and living the good life. I take the KISS approach (Keep It Simple Stupid) to pretty much everything and that is what you can expect from my product reviews and videos. I will always give honest reviews and do not promote or encourage anything that I do not truly like and enjoy and would purchase myself or recommend to friends and family.

This channel is appropriate for all ages as my family, friends, community, and kids watch, so material will be professional and appropriate and I take a great deal of pride in doing so.

All of this is possible through the Lord's good grace and blessings. If you don't have a personal relationship with Christ, I would refer you to James 4:8 - Come close to God, and God will come close to you.
God Bless
