This channel is made for the entertainment of YouTubers and non-YouTubers alike. I, Steve, or TempestMask1000, try to do stuff to make sure you all have a great time here. Therefore, I'll do my best to make Let's Play videos, parodies, animations, or whatever content I can bring myself to do!

At the moment, I'm a newly active speedrunner, or recently active, considering I've been in a couple of live marathons now. I currently engage in a few Mega Man games and Shovel Knight (solely Showdown at the moment). I plan to pick up Castlevania and other titles soon.

Otherwise, if any of my old content interests you, you're more than welcome to check it out! I plan to continue or finish some of those things, after all.

Wanna join the Masque Force? Feel free to hit Subscribe if you feel my stuff is worth doing so. While I don't mind if you think otherwise, I humbly appreciate your time checking my channel out anyway. Other than that, stay safe and frosty out there. Ciao, amici!