Welcome to Adult Chess Journey, a YouTube channel documenting the journey of an adult chess improver. Whether you're a beginner or aspiring competitive player, find valuable insights, strategies, and motivation here.

Our Focus:

1) Personal Growth: Follow my progress from a 1000 Elo rating, learning from successes and setbacks.
2) Educational Content: Access tutorials, game analyses, and videos on openings, tactics, & endgames.
3) Psychology & Learning: Tips on enhancing focus, managing performance anxiety, and effective learning techniques.
4) Interactive Community: Engage in live Q&As, viewer game analyses, and community challenges.
5) Resource Reviews: Discover the best books, apps, and tools for chess improvement.

Why Subscribe? Relatable content, consistent updates, expert insights, and community support.

This Journey is not just about mastering the game; it's about evolving as a player and an individual.