Welcome to LearnColorPiano.com on YouTube. My name is Greg Lee and I want to share with you a creative and fun approach to piano and keyboard playing that will have you hooked for life. If you're like me and took piano lessons as a child, you spent a few years playing baby pieces and nursery rhymes. Then you got really bored waiting on your piano instructor to teach a real way to play real music. You know, the stuff you heard on the radio. The songs that moved you.
Unfortunately, you gave up piano lessons before that ever happened. The truth is, it was never going to happen. Traditional piano lessons have always been oriented towards classical repertoire. You don't learn to play anything unless it's a written piece of music and there's really no room for interpretation or improvisation. Learning to play an instrument should be a fun and growing experience. If it isn't, you'll lose interest fast. Visit http://www.learncolorpiano.com for more details.