Audio Effects: Pitch, Songs, Slowed and Fast, Karaoke, Instrumental, Backing Vocals, Noise Reduction, Vocoder, Discrete Channels / Video Effects: Slowed and Fast, Vocoder, Hand-Drawn 2D Animation (set stop 3D computer animation), 3DTV (Horizontal: Side By Side (L/R: original), Vertical: Over & Under, Half-color and optimized anaglyph 3D versions)
Animation technique: Traditional / Live-action
Background zoom effect: Regular (ease) / Multiplane effect (ease)
Camera system: Filmed in 2D
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 (original: 1992-1999) (1440x1080) / 1.66:1 (original / 1.33:1 pan & scan) (1999–present) (3576x2160) / 2.35:1 (original) (2408x1024)