A beloved community that gathers to live fully, find meaning, and grow together in love and service. We are a mainline Protestant church, affiliated with the United Church of Christ. Our church bylaws reserve the right of individual religious interpretation. As such, persons from a variety of religious backgrounds and different parts of the country have found our church to be a stimulating and nurturing faith community.
This church acknowledges Jesus Christ as its head, and finds in the Holy Scriptures, interpreted by the Divine Spirit through reason, faith and conscience, its guidance in matters of faith and discipline.
The government of this church is vested in its members.
Family Friendly Worship at 10 a.m. each week. Please join us outside in the garden behind the church with your mask and bring your coffee or tea. IF the weather is inclement or too cold, please join us on Facebook Live or Zoom. Our weekly service is available on our website or on YouTube.