Hi movie fans, you can watch the latest movie clips here. Which Film Companies do we publish clips of? - ''MGM, Universal Pictures, Disney, Paromount Pictures, 20.Century Fox.''
Which movie companies' clips will not be broadcast on our channel? - ''Warner Bros. Pictures, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures''

This channel is non-profit, clips are published with legal permissions within the scope of fair use. If you have any complaints, you can contact us via our e-mail address.
(We usually make sure that our content is shared in less than 30 seconds in order not to abuse it.)

We would like to remind you that we will use the legal processes as a channel in case of false warnings. Thanks.

United States fair use law clearly states. ''Fair use is a doctrine in United States law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without having to obtain permission from the copyright holder.''

This channel is a global movie scene broadcast channel. #YouTube

80's Snack Clips #Movies #ErdemYaman