Short accessible keyboard works suitable for church voluntaries played on modest instruments in my Laurel Maryland Victorian home on 1891 and 1983 Steinway & Sons pianos, 1984 2 manual/3 rank (+ zimbelstern) Lewis & Hitchcock pipe organ, 1987 double-manual Philip Tyre harpsichord, and reed organs by George A. Prince (1857), W. W. Kimball (1905), Bilhorn Brothers (1928), and Estey (1929); and collaborations with soprano Christine Taylor and others in hymns and short offertories suitable for church. This non-profit channel, for spiritual and educational purposes only, began as a repository of musical offerings 03/15/20 for virtual services from Christ Episcopal Church Kensington, Maryland ( and includes some selections played for Saturday Vigil Masses at St. Francis of Assisi in Derwood, Maryland (, as well as some pedagogical pieces for my organ and harpsichord students at the University of Maryland College Park (