Jeff Te Ching is an unknown satirical writer from America, who has many unpublished Sheisserpieces in his possession, which will, undoubtedly, be published posthumously. In the distant past, he was published in three different countries. In Australia he is not so well known as the man who assisted the questionable Danish record producer, Horst Sjealland, in becoming a not so well-respected music reviewer. Horst's Joycean reviews are still feared by many Aussies. He helped spread the 1980s Punk Rock movement, in Pennsylvania, by creating the alleged bands, The Cheapskaters, The Mystery Tramps and Devil's-food Snake. He has been known to have been employed as a spaghetti cook by alleged restaurants in Pennsylvania. As for this channel, it's all about his current passion: The ineffable Swiss band, The Burning Witches. One day, he hopes to actually see them in concert...or die trying.